The best blog materials “Direct text”. Part One

The best blog materials "Direct text". Part One

In November, the year before last we opened the editorial blog. From the very beginning it was assumed that it would be a warm place where each editorial staff will be able to speak freely on his exciting theme. Some considered the next Call of Duty much worse (yes, even worse!) than they say about her, and finally got the opportunity to express his opinion without bills. Another time, one of us shared his thoughts about why Dishonored A few orders of magnitude superior to the latter Deus Ex , and so on.

But over time, the blog went further from the initial idea. Alternative opinions and statements did not disappear, but we continued to find new and new applications to him. The blog has turned into a platform for experiments, where we tried new topics, formats and even entire headings. It was an incubator, the foundation for something much greater.

We are very pleased with what the initiative with the blog resulted in. You probably already noticed that the materials of the heading “direct text” are now appearing in the main feed of publications. This means that the incubator has ceased to be an incubator and became an integral part of our site. He was it before, but now everything is officially!

And in order to note the whole path that we went with you, we suggest recalling the blog materials that we are the most proud of. Among them there are many often very bold things that you will not find anywhere else. And since there are really a lot of materials, we decided to break the selection into three parts. The first is in front of you, and the second will appear on Friday. Pleasant reading!

Heroes of comics

One of the last blog experiments. Oleg Chimde dared to take on the educational mission – to show and prove that superheroes are not at all as simple as it was seen at first sight. And then other authors picked up the baton. The reaction of readers pleasantly surprised us, and we realized that the topic can and should be developed.

Not so long ago we had materials about the ninja turtles and the guards of the galaxy-already outside the blog. Then there will be more, but for now we offer to recall those with whom we started.



] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/blogs/maillog/226329/geroi_nashego_vremeni_chelovek_iz_stali.htm)


“Superman is one of the few heroes who really does his job: saves people. Aquamen solves endless problems with Atlantis, Batman on day a day fights with psychos from the hospital Arkham, the Wonder Woman defends the rights of the Amazons, the green lantern … What is this guy (any of the green lights), is generally difficult to describe. And only Superman really saves people every day ".




] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/227120/Geroi_nashego_vremeni_temnyi_rycar.htm)


“None of the popular heroes of DC Comics cannot be called an insensitive machine-everyone has their own weaknesses, each in their own way is emotional and sick in their own way. It is believed that the dark knight is not afraid. “For twenty years, Bruce has been my best friend … Because he was never afraid. Of course, this has its drawbacks, ”says a person from steel in the comic book Batman/Superman. The shortcomings of Superman mean the pathological determination of Batman. He can easily shoot at his best friend with cryptonite if he suddenly decides that he was crazy.

But as for the fears, Superman is mistaken. Very cool is mistaken ".




] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/227675/Geroi_nashego_vremeni_bystreishii_chelovek_na_zemle.htm)


“This is the story of Flash, the fastest of the living people and the most famous travelers in time of those who appeared on the pages of comics. People who can freely overcome the spatio-temporal barrier and move not only between the past, present and the future, but also all parallel worlds of the huge DC Comics universe.

And this story does not have the right to be short, oh no ".



Green arrow

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/228430/Geroi_nashego_vremeni_izumrudnyi_luchnik.htm)


“Batman in the image of Bruce Wayne rarely falls into troubles, still his worries are smaller than that of Oliver. Ollie usually have the main problems with women and with the “cuin industry”, and the problems are approximately the same. Oliver is too unstable, he cannot calmly sit in a chair and rule the company, so the latter is often subjected to raider seizures and sanctions from the sellers of Star-City's corrupt politicians. So the emerald archer is rushing about between the two worlds – the world of the green arrows and the world of Oliver Kuin. And it’s even somehow difficult to say which one is more crazy. ".



Green lantern

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/229182/Geroi_nashego_vremeni_besstrashnyi_zashitnik_zemli.htm)


“… and there was darkness. And the light arose. And the war between them began. When a dying alien gave me his ring of green willpower, to illuminate the darkest corners of the cosmos became my work. Now it is much more complicated. I, like everyone else, was a child when I learned about the spectrum of flowers. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple … I did not attach importance to this, I was never an artist. I was a guy who wanted to prove that he was not afraid. Nobody. My name is Hal Jordan. I https://sister-site.org/royalspin-casino/ am an officer of the green lights corps, space sector 2814. And it doesn’t matter how bright my light is today, the shadows will still not disappear … "




] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/blogs/maillog/230435/geroi_nashego_vremeni_bessMertnyi_boltlivyi_naemnik.htm)


“Wade's second ability in the everyday life of the hired killer is useless. Deadpool knows very well that he himself and everyone who surrounds him is comic book characters, and behaves accordingly. He speaks directly with the reader, because you need to at least occasionally communicate with those who understand you, so after all? And straightens out with enemies in particularly sophisticated ways – since these are not living people, but drawn characters, then there is nothing to regret them ".



Memories of Morrowind

Part One | Part two


"Download?"Ha! We then sat on the Internet through modems on telephone lines, and the money flowed out every minute online. Those who happened to saddle the thick channels at that time were paid for megabytes. We could download the scan of the huge Vanderfell map to look at the ash mountains, fields, hills, cities, settlements, remote towers and thousands of islands ”.


Vintage day of the week

The main stronghold of retro on the blog is the “Vintage Friday” heading. It was assumed that it would be Friday, but, as often happens with blog amateur performances, the schedule began to move out with the next issue. First at night from Friday to Saturday, then Saturday morning, Saturday evening, Sunday … And so on until Thursday and Friday again. We turned a “vintage” to think about how to make it more stable and more interesting. Thought. While we write about classical games just like that, out of turn (here, for example, retro review Grim Fandango in honor of the announcement of the remake on the last E3), but once a full -fledged “vintage” will return in a new look.

It is difficult to highlight selected issues here – each has their own games of the past. Someone was up to Fallout, Thief and DOOM versions for Nintendo 64, Someone-by Nox , Incubation And System Shock 2 , The third remembered the first Grand Theft Auto… we advise you to look at all the notes with the "retro" tag – almost certainly you will find a mountain of reasons for nostalgia there.

D.I.C.E. 2013

Last year we visited the next Congress of the summit D.I.C.E. , conducted by the American Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences in Las Vegas. Unlike most conferences related to games (yes at least the same GDC), on D.I.C.E. They talk about how to sell and promote games, but about how to do them. Gamdesign, Art, plot – reports D.I.C.E. Focus primarily on these things.

Timur Khorev blessed the five selected reports from the conference. Very interesting reading – and still very relevant. Of course, minus some details: for example, Warren Spector has long ceased to be unemployed and headed the Academy of Development of Games at the University of Texas in Austin.


Warren Spector about how quickly the industry changes

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/blogs/maillog/204568/d_i_c_e_2013_uorren_spektor_povelitel_haosa.htm)


“Many of you remember all this! We lived in that era! And remember the time when we had only one color at our disposal? – the spector grinned. – Remember the era when an affordable memory was measured by kilobytes? Or the time when instead of sounds we could only extract BIP-BIP and BUP-BUP ”? We have experienced huge changes – and, I suspect, we have the same in the future. For a video game developer, all life is chaos. If anyone does not like chaos, go to work in BA … although no, do not go to work in the bank – there is now the same. Well, in general, somewhere in another place.

The hall appreciated the joke ".



David Cage that the industry does not want to grow up

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/blogs/maillog/204799/d_i_c_e_2013_dyevid_keidzh_i_industriya_kotoraya_ne_hotela_vzroslet.htm)


“To make it clearer, I marked the games of Nintendo in red, black – Call of Duty, yellow – GTA, and green – Kinect,” said Cage. – The list gives us very interesting information. Firstly, the game market is very polarized. But at the same time only four trademarks dominate it! Only three genres were in the sales rating: children's games, casual and militants with violence. So the industry looms before us, which is only on these three things and concentrated.

Silence was the answer. The developers sitting in the hall comprehended statistical data ".



Gabe Newel and JJ Abrams about the difference between games and cinema

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/204203/D_I_C_E_2013_KAK_POSPORILI_GEIB_NYUYYLL_S_DZHEI-DZheEM_ABRAMSOM.htm)


“I remember that a few years ago, after a long flight due to the change of time zones, I was overtaken by the terrible Jetlag,” continued Abrams. – And then I remembered that in the first “strong nut”, John McClein was given advice on how to get rid of “Jetela”: rub the carpet with bare feet. And here I am sitting, with the hard -toe of the carpet in the hotel … and suddenly I understand that this is a setup! I realized that this scene was inserted into the film only for the character to be barefoot and then run on the glass! I am to the fact that just such trifles in games are absent.

Jaja Abrams looked inquiringly at the interlocutor. Newell sighed.

“Something similar appears in games too,” he said. – This, of course, we take from the movie. Turn on the clip with Whitley … "



Jenova Journey Emotions

] (http: // www.Igromania.RU/Blogs/Mainblog/203884/D_I_C_E_2013_SOZDATEL_JURNEY_RASSKAZYVAET_KAK_DOBAVIT_V_IGRU_YEMOCII.htm)


“Then the developers decided to try to connect a physicist to the business – for example, force the players to help each other climb the mountain, pushing and holding hands.

“This led to the fact that the players began to push each other into the abyss and kill,” said Jenova Chen sadly. “At first I decided that the matter is specifically in the tesers,” the bad players in Call of Duty were just caught. But then it turned out that my colleagues are the same – they pushed me into the abyss constantly, and they really liked it. And then I realized what players do this not from anger, but from the fact that this particular action gives a greater effect of social feedback. It was just more fun!"



Victor Kisly about the success secrets of World of Tanks

] (http: // www.Igromania.ru/Blogs/Mainblog/203143/D_I_C_E_2013_O_TOM_KAK_BYLI_RASKRYTY_VSE_SEKRETY_SPEHA_WORLD_OF_TANKS_KROME_ODNOGO.htm)


“But the most important thing is to constantly give users a positive experience. At this place, Viktor Kislya brought an excerpt from the film “What Women Want” (“By the way, a good name for MMO”), or rather, a monologue of the hero Mel Gibson, representing an advertising video for sports shoes: “The road you run is not important How you look, how you are dressed and how old you are – it is only important for her that you come back to her from time to time ".

“This is exactly what I'm trying to express,” explained Victor Kisly. – consoles, mobile devices – all this does not matter. It is important that your game is the perfect metaphor for this road … "


* * *

We are almost sure that you have already managed to stock up on the future, so we will stop there for now. The second immersion in the blog archive we outlined, recall, this Friday. Next time we will go through the author’s columns and informal opinions.

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